Plugins Section

In this section we overview CC3DML syntax for all the plugins available in CompuCell3D. Plugins are either energy functions, lattice monitors or store user assigned data that CompuCell3D uses internally to configure simulation before it is run.

CellType Plugin

An example of the plugin that stores user assigned data that is used to configure simulation before it is run is a CellType Plugin. This plugin is responsible for defining cell types and storing cell type information. It is a basic plugin used by virtually every CompuCell simulation. The syntax is straight forward as can be seen in the example below:

<Plugin Name="CellType">
  <CellType TypeName="Medium" TypeId="0"/>
  <CellType TypeName="Fluid" TypeId="1"/>
  <CellType TypeName="Wall" TypeId="2" Freeze=""/>

Here we have defined three cell types that will be present in the simulation: Medium, Fluid, Wall. Notice that we assign a number – TypeId – to every cell type. It is strongly recommended that TypeId’s are consecutive positive integers (e.g. 0,1,2,3...). Medium is traditionally given TypeId=0 and we recommend that you keep this convention.


Important: Every CC3D simulation must define CellType Plugin and include at least Medium specification.

Notice that in the example above cell type Wall has extra attribute Freeze="". This attribute tells CompuCell that cells of frozen type will not be altered by pixel copies. Freezing certain cell types is a very useful technique in constructing different geometries for simulations or for restricting ways in which cells can move.

Global Volume and Surface Constraints

One of the most commonly used energy term in the GGH Hamiltonian is a term that restricts variation of single cell volume. Its simplest form can be coded as show below:

<Plugin Name="Volume">

By analogy we may define a term which will put similar constraint regarding the surface of the cell:

<Plugin Name="Surface">

These two plugins inform CompuCell that the Hamiltonian will have two additional terms associated with volume and surface conservation. That is when pixel copy is attempted one cell will increase its volume and another cell will decrease. Thus overall energy of the system changes. Volume constraint essentially ensures that cells maintain the volume which close (this depends on thermal fluctuations) to target volume. The role of surface plugin is analogous to volume, that is to “preserve” surface. Note that surface plugin is commented out in the example above.

The examples shown below apply volume and surface constraints to all cells in the simulation. you can however apply volume and surface constraints to individual cell types or individual cells

Energy terms for volume and surface constraints have the form:

\[\begin{eqnarray} E_{volume} = \lambda_{volume} \left ( V_{cell} - V_{target} \right )^2 \end{eqnarray}\]
\[\begin{eqnarray} E_{surface} = \lambda_{surface} \left ( S_{cell} - S_{target} \right )^2 \end{eqnarray}\]


Copying a single pixel may cause surface change in more that two cells – this is especially true in 3D.

VolumeTracker and SurfaceTracker plugins

These two plugins monitor lattice and update volume and surface of the cells once pixel copy occurs. In most cases users will not call those plugins directly. They will be called automatically when either Volume (calls VolumeTracker) or Surface (calls SurfaceTracker) or CenterOfMass (calls VolumeTracker) plugins are requested. However one should be aware that in some situations, for example when doing foam coarsening, where neither Volume nor Surface plugins are called, one may still want to track changes in surface or volume of cells. In such situations we explicitly invoke VolumeTracker or Surface Tracker plugin with the following syntax:

<Plugin Name=”VolumeTracker”/>


<Plugin Name=”SurfaceTracker”/>

VolumeFlex Plugin

VolumeFlex plugin is more sophisticated version of Volume Plugin. While Volume Plugin treats all cell types the same i.e. they all have the same target volume and lambda coefficient, VolumeFlex plugin allows you to assign different lambda and different target volume to different cell types. The syntax for this plugin is straightforward and essentially mimics the example below.

<Plugin Name="Volume">
    <VolumeEnergyParameters CellType="Prestalk" TargetVolume="68" LambdaVolume="15"/>
    <VolumeEnergyParameters CellType="Prespore" TargetVolume="69" LambdaVolume="12"/>
    <VolumeEnergyParameters CellType="Autocycling" TargetVolume="80" LambdaVolume="10"/>
    <VolumeEnergyParameters CellType="Ground" TargetVolume="0" LambdaVolume="0"/>
    <VolumeEnergyParameters CellType="Wall" TargetVolume="0" LambdaVolume="0"/>


Almost all CompuCell3D modules which have options Flex or LocalFlex are implemented as a single C++ module and CC3D, based on CC3DML syntax used, figures out which functionality to load at the run time. As a result for the reminder of this reference manual we will stick to the convention that all Flex and LocalFlex modules will be invoked using core name of the module only.

Notice that in the example above cell types Wall and Ground have target volume and coefficient lambda set to 0 – very unusual. That’s because in this particular case those cells are frozen so the parameters specified for these cells do not matter. In fact it is safe to remove specifications for these cell types, but just for the illustration purposes we left them here.

Using VolumeFlex Plugin you can effectively freeze certain cell types. All you need to do is to put very high lambda coefficient for the cell type you wish to freeze. You have to be careful though , because if initial volume of the cell of a given type is different from target volume for this cell type the cells will either shrink or expand to match target volume and only after this initial volume adjustment will they remain frozen provided LambdaVolume is high enough. Since rapid changes in the cell volume are uncontrolled (e.g. they can destroy many neighboring cells) you should opt for more gradual changes. In any case, we do not recommend this way of freezing cells because it is difficult to use, and also not efficient in terms of speed of simulation run.

SurfaceFlex Plugin

SurfaceFlex plugin is more sophisticated version of Surface Plugin. Everything that was said with respect to VolumeFlex plugin applies to SurfaceFlex. For syntax see example below:

<Plugin Name="Surface">
    <SurfaceEnergyParameters CellType="Prestalk" TargetSurface="90" LambdaSurface="0.15"/>
    <SurfaceEnergyParameters CellType="Prespore" TargetSurface="98" LambdaSurface="0.15"/>
    <SurfaceEnergyParameters CellType="Autocycling" TargetSurface="92" LambdaSurface="0.1"/>
    <SurfaceEnergyParameters CellType="Ground" TargetSurface="0" LambdaSurface="0"/>
    <SurfaceEnergyParameters CellType="Wall" TargetSurface="0" LambdaSurface="0"/>

VolumeLocalFlex Plugin

VolumeLocalFlex Plugin is very similar to Volume plugin. however this time you specify lambda coefficient and target volume, individually for each cell. In the course of simulation you can change this target volume depending on e.g. concentration of e.g. ``FGF``in the particular cell. This way you can specify which cells grow faster, which slower based on a state of the simulation. This plugin requires you to develop a module (plugin or steppable) which will alter target volume for each cell. You can do it either in C++ or even better in Python.

Example syntax:

<Plugin Name="Volume"/>

SurfaceLocalFlex Plugin

This plugin is analogous to VolumeLocalFlex but operates on cell surface.

Example syntax:

<Plugin Name="Surface"/>

NeighborTracker Plugin

This plugin, as its name suggests, tracks neighbors of every cell. In addition it calculates common contact area between cell and its neighbors. We consider a neighbor this cell that has at least one common pixel side with a given cell. This means that cells that touch each other either “by edge” or by “corner” are not considered neighbors. See the drawing below:

5 5 5 4 4
5 5 5 4 4
5 5 4 4 4
1 1 2 2 2
1 1 2 2 2

Figure 1. Cells 5,4,1 are considered neighbors as they have non-zero common surface area. Same applies to pair of cells 4 ,2 and to 1 and 2. However, cells 2 and 5 are not neighbors because they touch each other “by corner”. Notice that cell 5 has 8 pixels cell 4 , 7 pixels, cell 1 4 pixels and cell 2 6 pixels.

To include this plugin in your simulation , add the following code to the CC3DML

<Plugin Name="NeighborTracker"/>

This plugin is used as a helper module by other plugins and steppables e.g. FocalPointPlasticity plugin uses NeighborTracker plugin.


Chemotaxis plugin, is used to simulate chemotaxis of cells. For every pixel copy, this plugin calculates change of energy associated with pixel move. There are several methods to define a change in energy due to chemotaxis. By default we define a chemotaxis using the following formula:

\begin{eqnarray} \Delta E_{chem} = -\lambda\left ( c(x_{destination}) - c(x_{source}) \right ) \end{eqnarray}

where \(c(x_{source})\) and \(c(x_{destination})\) denote chemical concentration at the pixel-copy-source and pixel-copy-destination pixel, respectively.

We also support a slight modification of the above formula in the Chemotaxis plugin where \(\Delta E\) is non-zero only if the cell located at \(x_{source}\) after the pixel copy is non-medium. to enable such mode users need to include


tag in the body of CC3DML plugin.

Let’s look at the syntax by studying the example usage of the Chemotaxis plugin:

<Plugin Name="Chemotaxis">
   <ChemicalField Source="FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE" Name="FGF">
        <ChemotaxisByType Type="Amoeba" Lambda="300"/>
        <ChemotaxisByType Type="Bacteria" Lambda="200"/>

The body of the Chemotaxis plugin description contains sections called ChemicalField. In this section we tell CompuCell3D which module contains chemical field that we wish to use for chemotaxis. In our case it is FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE. Next we specify the name of the field - FGF. Subsequently, we specify lambda for each cell type so that cells of different type may respond differently to a given chemical. In particular types not listed will not respond to chemotaxis at all.

Occasionally we may want to use different formula for the chemotaxis than the one presented above. Current version of CompCell3D supports the following definitions of change in chemotaxis energy (Saturation and SaturationLinear respectively ):

\begin{eqnarray} \Delta E_{chem} = -\lambda \left [ \frac{c(x_{destination})}{s+c(x_{destination})} - \frac{c(x_{source})}{s+c(x_{source})} \right ] \end{eqnarray}


\begin{eqnarray} \Delta E_{chem} = -\lambda \left [ \frac{c(x_{destination})}{sc(x_{destination})+1} - \frac{c(x_{source})}{sc(x_{source})+1} \right ] \end{eqnarray}

where s denotes saturation constant. To use first of the above formulas we set the value of the saturation coefficient:

<Plugin Name="Chemotaxis">
   <ChemicalField Source="FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE" Name="FGF">
        <ChemotaxisByType Type="Amoeba" Lambda="0"/>
        <ChemotaxisByType Type="Bacteria" Lambda="2000000" SaturationCoef="1"/>

Notice that this only requires small change in line where you previously specified only lambda.

<ChemotaxisByType Type="Bacteria" Lambda="2000000" SaturationCoef="1"/>

To use second of the above formulas use SaturationLinearCoef instead of SaturationCoef:

<Plugin Name="Chemotaxis">
   <ChemicalField Source="FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE" Name="FGF">
      <ChemotaxisByType Type="Amoeba" Lambda="0"/>
     <ChemotaxisByType Type="Bacteria" Lambda="2000000" SaturationLinearCoef="1"/>

Sometimes it is desirable to have chemotaxis at the interface between only certain types of cells and not between other cell-type-pairs. In such a case we augment ChemotaxisByType element with the following attribute:

<ChemotaxisByType Type="Amoeba" Lambda="100 "ChemotactTowards="Medium"/>

This will cause that the change in chemotaxis energy will be non-zero only for those pixel copy attempts that happen between pixels belonging to Amoeba and Medium.


The term ChemotactTowards means “chemotax at the interface between”

The definitions of chemotaxis presented so far do not allow specification of chemotaxis parameters individually for each cell. To do this we will use Python scripting. We still need to specify in the CC3DML which fields are important from chamotaxis stand point. Only fields listed in the CC3DML will be used to calculate chemotaxis energy:

<Plugin Name="CellType">
    <CellType TypeName="Medium" TypeId="0"/>
    <CellType TypeName="Bacterium" TypeId="1" />
    <CellType TypeName="Macrophage" TypeId="2"/>
    <CellType TypeName="Wall" TypeId="3" Freeze=""/>
</Plugin><Plugin Name="Chemotaxis">
    <ChemicalField Source="FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE" Name="ATTR">
    <ChemotaxisByType Type="Macrophage" Lambda="20"/>

In the above excerpt from the CC3DML configuration file we see that cells of type Macrophage will chemotax in response to ATTR gradient.

Using Python scripting we can modify chemotaxis properties of individual cells as follows:

class ChemotaxisSteering(SteppableBasePy):
        def __init__(self, _simulator, _frequency=100):
            SteppableBasePy.__init__(self, _simulator, _frequency)

        def start(self):

            for cell in self.cellList:
                if cell.type == 2:
                    cd = self.chemotaxisPlugin.addChemotaxisData(cell, "ATTR")

                    # cd.initializeChemotactTowardsVectorTypes("Bacterium,Medium")
                    cd.assignChemotactTowardsVectorTypes([0, 1])


        def step(self, mcs):
            for cell in self.cellList:
                if cell.type == 2:

                    cd = self.chemotaxisPlugin.getChemotaxisData(cell, "ATTR")
                    if cd:
                        lam = cd.getLambda() - 3

In the start function for first encountered cell of type Macrophage (type==2) we insert ChemotaxisData object (it determines chemotaxing properties) and initialize λ parameter to 20. We also initialize vector of cell types towards which Macrophage cell will chemotax (it will chemotax towards Medium and Bacterium cells). Notice the break statement inside the if statement, inside the loop. It ensures that only first encountered Macrophage cell will have chemotaxing properties altered.

In the step function we decrease lambda chemotaxis by 3 units every 100 MCS. In effect we turn a cell from chemotaxing up ATTR gradient to being chemorepelled.

In the above example we have more than one macrophage but only one of them has altered chemotaxing properties. The other macrophages have chemotaxing properties set in the CC3DML section. CompuCell3D first checks if local definitions of chemotaxis are available (i.e. for individual cells) and if so it uses those. Otherwise it will use definitions from from the CC3DML.

The ChemotaxisData structure has additional functions which allow to set chemotaxis formula used. For example we may type:

def start(self):
    for cell in self.cellList:
        if cell.type == 2:
            cd = self.chemotaxisPlugin.addChemotaxisData(cell, "ATTR")

            # cd.initializeChemotactTowardsVectorTypes("Bacterium,Medium")
            cd.assignChemotactTowardsVectorTypes([0, 1])


to activate Saturation formula. To activate SaturationLinear formula we would use:



When you use chemotaxis plugin you have to make sure that fields that you refer to and module that contains this fields are declared in the CC3DML file. Otherwise you will most likely cause either program crash (which is not as bad as it sounds) or unpredicted behavior (much worse scenario, although unlikely as we made sure that in the case of undefined symbols, CompuCell3D exits)

ExternalPotential Plugin

Chemotaxis plugin is used to cause directional cell movement in response to chemical gradient. Another way to achieve directional movement is to use ExternalPotential plugin. This plugin is responsible for imposing a directed pressure (or rather force) on cells. It is used to implement persistent motion of cells and its applications can be very diverse.

Example usage of this plugin looks as follows:

<Plugin Name="ExternalPotential">
   <Lambda x="-0.5" y="0.0" z="0.0"/>

Lambda is a vector quantity and determines components of force along three axes. In this case we apply force along x pointing in the positive direction.


Positive component of Lambda vector pushes cell in the negative direction and negative component pushes cell in the positive direction

We can also apply external potential to specific cell types:

<Plugin Name="ExternalPotential">
    <ExternalPotentialParameters CellType="Body1" x="-10" y="0" z="0"/>
    <ExternalPotentialParameters CellType="Body2" x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <ExternalPotentialParameters CellType="Body3" x="0" y="0" z="0"/>

Where in ExternalPotentialParameters we specify which cell type is subject to external potential (Lambda is specified using x , y , z attributes).

We can also apply external potential to individual cells. In that case, in the CC3DML section we only need to specify:

<Plugin Name="ExternalPotential"/>

and in the Python file we change lambdaVecX, lambdaVecY, lambdaVecZ, which are properties of cell. For example in Python we could write:

cell.lambdaVecX = -10

Calculations done by ExternalPotential Plugin are by default based on direction of pixel copy (similarly as in chemotaxis plugin). One can, however, force CC3D to do calculations based on movement of center of mass of cell. To use algorithm based on center of mass movement we use the following CC3DML syntax:

<Plugin Name="ExternalPotential">



In the pixel-based algorithm the typical value of pixel displacement used in calculations is of the order of 1 (pixel) whereas typical displacement of center of mass of cell due to single pixel copy is of the order of 1/cell volume (pixels) – ~ 0.1 pixel. This implies that to achieve compatible behavior of cells when using center of mass algorithm we need to multiply lambda’s by appropriate factor, typically of the order of 10.

CenterOfMass Plugin

CenterOfMass plugin monitors changes n the lattice and updates centroids of the cell:

\begin{align*} x_{CM}^{centroid} &= \sum_{i}x_{i} \\ y_{CM}^{centroid} &= \sum_{i}y_{i} \\ z_{CM}^{centroid} &= \sum_{i}z_{i} \end{align*}

where i denotes pixels belonging to a given cell. To obtain coordinates of a center of mass of a given cell we divide centroids by cell volume:

\begin{align*} x_{CM} &= \frac{x_{CM}^{centroid}}{V} \\ y_{CM} &= \frac{y_{CM}^{centroid}}{V} \\ z_{CM} &= \frac{z_{CM}^{centroid}}{V} \end{align*}

This plugin is aware of boundary conditions and centroids are calculated properly regardless which boundary conditions are used. The CC3DML syntax is very simple:

<Plugin Name="CenterOfMass"/>

To access center of mass coordinates from Python we use the following syntax:

print('x-component of COM is:', cell.xCOM)
print ('y-component of COM is:', cell.yCOM)
print ('z-component of COM is:', cell.zCOM)


Center of mass parameters in Python are read only. Any attempt to modify them will likely mess up the simulation.

Contact Plugin

Contact plugin implements computations of adhesion energy between neighboring cells.

Together with volume constraint contact energy is one of the most commonly used energy terms in the GGH Hamiltonian. In essence it describes how cells “stick” to each other.

The explicit formula for the energy is:

\begin{eqnarray} E_{adhesion} = \sum_{i,j,neighbors} J\left ( \tau_{\sigma(i)},\tau_{\sigma(j)} \right )\left ( 1-\delta_{\sigma(i), \sigma(j)} \right ) \end{eqnarray}

where i and j label two neighboring lattice sites \(\sigma\)’s denote cell Ids, \(\tau\)’s denote cell types .

In the above formula, we need to differentiate between cell types and cell Ids. This formula shows that cell types and cell Ids are not the same. The Contact plugin in the .xml file, defines the energy per unit area of contact between cells of different types (\(J\left ( \tau_{\sigma(i)},\tau_{\sigma(j)} \right )\)) and the interaction range NeighborOrder of the contact:

<Plugin Name="Contact">
    <Energy Type1="Foam" Type2="Foam">3</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Medium" Type2="Medium">0</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Medium" Type2="Foam">0</Energy>

In this case, the interaction range is 2, thus only up to second nearest neighbor pixels of a pixel undergoing a change or closer will be used to calculate contact energy change. Foam cells have contact energy per unit area of 3 and Foam and Medium as well as Medium and Medium have contact energy of 0 per unit area. For more information about contact energy calculations see “Introduction to CompuCell3D”

AdhesionFlex Plugin

AdhesionFlex offers a very flexible way to define adhesion between cells. It allows setting individual adhesivity properties for each cell. Users can use either CC3DML syntax or Python scripting to initialize adhesion molecule density for each cell. In addition, Medium can also carry its own adhesion molecules. We use the following formula to calculate adhesion energy in AdhesionFlex plugin:

\begin{eqnarray} E_{adhesion} = \sum_{i,j,neighbors} \left ( - \sum_{m,n}k_{mn}F\left ( N_{m}\left (i \right ), N_{n} \left( i \right ) \right ) \right )\left ( 1-\delta_{\sigma(i), \sigma(j)} \right ) \end{eqnarray}

where indexes i, j label pixels, \(- \sum_{m,n}k_{mn}F\left ( N_{m}\left (i \right ), N_{n} \left( i \right ) \right )\) denotes contact energy between cell types \(\sigma(i)\) and \(\sigma(j)\) and indexes m , n label adhesion molecules in cells composed of pixels i and j respectively. F denotes user-defined function of \(N_m\) and \(N_n\). Although this may look a bit complex, the basic idea is simple: each cell has certain number of adhesion molecules on its surface. When cells touch each other the resultant energy is simply a “product of interactions” of adhesion molecules from one cell with adhesion molecules from another cell. The CC3DML syntax for this plugin is given below:

<Plugin Name="AdhesionFlex">
    <AdhesionMolecule Molecule="NCad"/>
    <AdhesionMolecule Molecule="NCam"/>
    <AdhesionMolecule Molecule="Int"/>
    <AdhesionMoleculeDensity CellType="Cell1" Molecule="NCad" Density="6.1"/>
    <AdhesionMoleculeDensity CellType="Cell1" Molecule="NCam" Density="4.1"/>
    <AdhesionMoleculeDensity CellType="Cell1" Molecule="Int" Density="8.1"/>
    <AdhesionMoleculeDensity CellType="Medium" Molecule="Int" Density="3.1"/>
    <AdhesionMoleculeDensity CellType="Cell2" Molecule="NCad" Density="2.1"/>
    <AdhesionMoleculeDensity CellType="Cell2" Molecule="NCam" Density="3.1"/>

    <BindingFormula Name="Binary">
        <Formula> min(Molecule1,Molecule2)</Formula>
             <BindingParameter Molecule1="NCad" Molecule2="NCad">-1.0</BindingParameter>
             <BindingParameter Molecule1="NCam" Molecule2="NCam">2.0</BindingParameter>
             <BindingParameter Molecule1="NCad" Molecule2="NCam">-10.0</BindingParameter>
             <BindingParameter Molecule1="Int" Molecule2="Int">-10.0</BindingParameter>


k:sub:`mn` matrix is specified within the AdhesionInteractionMatrix tag – the elements are listed using BindingParameter tags. The AdhesionMoleculeDensity tag specifies initial concentration of adhesion molecules. Even if you are going to modify those from Python you are still required to specify the names of adhesion molecules and associate them with appropriate cell types. Failure to do so may result in simulation crash or undefined behaviors. The user-defined function *F* is specified using Formula tag where the arguments of the function are called Molecule1 and Molecule2 . The syntax has to follow syntax of the muParser - .

CompuCell3D example – Demos/AdhesionFlex - demonstrates how to manipulate concentration of adhesion molecules. For example:


allows to access adhesion molecule concentration using its name (as given in the CC3DML above using AdhesionMoleculeDensity tag).


allows to access adhesion molecule concentration using its index in the adhesion molecule density vector. The order of the adhesion molecule densities in the vector is the same as the order in which they were declared in the CC3DML above - AdhesionMoleculeDensity tags.


allows access to entire adhesion molecule density vector. Each of these functions has its corresponding function which operates on Medium . In this case we do not give cell as first argument:


self.adhesionFlexPlugin.getMediumAdhesionMoleculeDensityByIndex (0)


To change the value of the adhesion molecule density we use set functions:

Notice that in this last function we passed entire Python list as the argument. CC3D will check if the number of entries in this vector is the same as the number of entries in the currently used vector. If so the values from the passed vector will be copied, otherwise they will be ignored.


During mitosis we create new cell (childCell) and the adhesion molecule vector of this cell will have no components. However in order for simulation to continue we have to initialize this vector with number of adhesion molecules appropriate to childCell type. We know that setAdhesionMoleculeDensityVector is not appropriate for this task so we have to use:


which will ensure that the content of passed vector is copied entirely into cell’s vector (making size adjustments as necessary).


You have to make sure that the number of newly assigned adhesion molecules is exactly the same as the number of adhesion molecules declared for the cell of this particular type.

All of the get functions has corresponding set function which operates on Medium:





Compartmentalized cells. ContactInternal Plugin

Calculating contact energies between compartmentalized cells is analogous to the non-compartmentalized case. The energy expression takes the following form:

\begin{eqnarray} E_{adhesion} = \sum_{i,j,neighbors} J\left ( \sigma (\mu_{i},\nu_{i}),\sigma (\mu_{j},\nu_{j}) \right ) \end{eqnarray}

where i and j denote pixels , σ(µ,ν) denotes a cell type of a cell with cluster id µ and cell id ν . In compartmental cell models a cell is a collection of subcells. Each subcell has a unique id ν (cell id). In addition to that each subcell will have additional attribute, a cluster id (µ) that determines to which cluster of subcells a given subcell belongs. Tthink of a cluster as a cell with nonhomogenous cytoskeleton. So a cluster corresponds to a biological cell and subcells (or compartments) represents parts of a cell e.g. a nucleus. The core idea here is to have different contact energies between subcells belonging to the same cluster and different energies for cells belonging to different clusters. Technically subcells of a cluster are “regular” CompuCell3D cells. By giving them an extra attribute cluster id ((µ) we can introduce a concept of compartmental cells. In our convention σ(0,0) denotes medium


Figure 2. Two compartmentalized cells (cluster id \(\mu=1\) and cluster id \(\mu=2\)). Compartmentalized cell \(\mu=1\) consists of subcells with cell id \(\nu=1,2,3\) and compartmentalized cell \(\mu=2\) consists of subcells with cell id \(\nu=4,5,6\)

Introduction of cluster id and cell id are essential for the definition of \(J\left ( \sigma (\mu_{i},\nu_{i}),\sigma (\mu_{j},\nu_{j}) \right )\)


\begin{cases} J\left ( \sigma (\mu_{i},\nu_{i}),\sigma (\mu_{j},\nu_{j}) \right ) = J^{external}\left ( \sigma (\mu_{i},\nu_{i}),\sigma (\mu_{j},\nu_{j}) \right ) & \text{ if } \mu_i \neq \mu_j \\ J\left ( \sigma (\mu_{i},\nu_{i}),\sigma (\mu_{j},\nu_{j}) \right ) = J^{internal}\left ( \sigma (\mu_{i},\nu_{i}),\sigma (\mu_{j},\nu_{j}) \right ) & \text{ if } \mu_i = \mu_j \end{cases}

As we can see from above there are two hierarchies of contact energies – external and internal. To describe adhesive interactions between different compartmentalized cells we use two plugins: Contact and ContactInternal. Contact plugin calculates energy between two cells belonging to different clusters and ContactInternal calculates energies between cells belonging to the same cluster. An example syntax is shown below

<Plugin Name="Contact">

    <Energy Type1="Base" Type2="Base">0</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Top" Type2="Base">25</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Center" Type2="Base">30</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Bottom" Type2="Base">-2</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Side1" Type2="Base">25</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Side2" Type2="Base">25</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Medium" Type2="Base">0</Energy>

    <Energy Type1="Medium" Type2="Medium">0</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Top" Type2="Medium">30</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Bottom" Type2="Medium">20</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Side1" Type2="Medium">30</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Side2" Type2="Medium">30</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Center" Type2="Medium">45</Energy>

    <Energy Type1="Top" Type2="Top">2</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Top" Type2="Bottom">100</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Top" Type2="Side1">25</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Top" Type2="Side2">25</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Top" Type2="Center">35</Energy>

    <Energy Type1="Bottom" Type2="Bottom">10</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Bottom" Type2="Side1">25</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Bottom" Type2="Side2">25</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Bottom" Type2="Center">35</Energy>

    <Energy Type1="Side1" Type2="Side1">25</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Side1" Type2="Center">25</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Side2" Type2="Side2">25</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Side2" Type2="Center">25</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Side1" Type2="Side2">15</Energy>

    <Energy Type1="Center" Type2="Center">20</Energy>



<Plugin Name="ContactInternal">

    <Energy Type1="Base" Type2="Base">0</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Base" Type2="Bottom">0</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Base" Type2="Side1">0</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Base" Type2="Side2">0</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Base" Type2="Center">0</Energy>

    <Energy Type1="Top" Type2="Top">4</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Top" Type2="Bottom">25</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Top" Type2="Side1">22</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Top" Type2="Side2">22</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Top" Type2="Center">15</Energy>

    <Energy Type1="Bottom" Type2="Bottom">4</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Bottom" Type2="Side1">15</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Bottom" Type2="Side2">15</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Bottom" Type2="Center">10</Energy>

    <Energy Type1="Side1" Type2="Side1">11</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Side2" Type2="Side2">11</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Side1" Type2="Side2">11</Energy>

    <Energy Type1="Side2" Type2="Center">10</Energy>
    <Energy Type1="Side1" Type2="Center">10</Energy>

    <Energy Type1="Center" Type2="Center">2</Energy>


Depending whether pixels for which we calculate contact energies belong to the same cluster or not we will use internal or external contact energies respectively.

LengthConstraint Plugin

This plugin imposes elongation constraint on the cell. It “measures” a cell along its “axis of elongation” and ensures that cell length along the elongation axis is close to target length. For detailed description of this algorithm in 2D see Roeland Merks’ paper “Cell elongation is a key to in silico replication of in vitro vasculogenesis and subsequent remodeling” Developmental Biology 289 (2006) 44-54). This plugin is usually used in conjunction with Connectivity Plugin or ConnectivityGlobal Plugin. The syntax is as follows:

<Plugin Name="LengthConstraint">
    <LengthEnergyParameters CellType="Body1" TargetLength="30" LambdaLength="5"/>

LambdaLength determines the degree of cell length oscillation around TargetLength parameter. The higher LambdaLength the less freedom a cell will have to deviate from TargetLength.

In the 3D case we use the following syntax:

<Plugin Name="LengthConstraint">
     <LengthEnergyParameters CellType="Body1" TargetLength="20" MinorTargetLength="5" LambdaLength="100" />

Notice new attribute called MinorTargetLength. In 3D it is not sufficient to constrain the “length” of the cell you also need to constrain “width” of the cell along axis perpendicular to the major axis of the cell. This “width” is referred to as MinorTargetLength.

The parameters are assigned using Python – see Demos/elongationFlexTest example.

To control length constraint individually for each cell we may use Python scripting to assign LambdaLength, TartgetLength and in 3D MinorTargetLength. In Python steppable we typically would write the following code:


which sets length constraint for cell by setting LambdaLength=10 and TargetLength=20. In 3D we may specify`` MinorTargetLength`` (we set it to 5) by adding 4th parameter to the above call:



If we use CC3DML specification of length constraint for certain cell types and in Python we set this constraint individually for a single cell then the local definition of the constraint has priority over definitions for the cell type.

If, in the simulation, we will be setting length constraint for only few individual cells then it is best to manipulate the constraint parameters from the Python script. In this case in the CC3DML we only have to declare that we will use length constraint plugin and we may skip the definition by-type definitions:

<Plugin Name="LengthConstraint"/>


IMPORTANT: When using target length plugins it is important to use connectivity constraint. This constraint will check if a given pixel copy breaks cell connectivity. If it does, the plugin will add large energy penalty (defined by a user) to change of energy effectively prohibiting such pixel copy. In the case of 2D on square lattice checking cell connectivity can be done locally and thus is very fast. In 3D the connectivity algorithm is a bit slower but but its performance is acceptable. Therefore if you need large cell elongations you should always use connectivity in order to prevent cell fragmentation

Connectivity Plugins

The “basic” Connectivity plugin works only in 2D and only on square lattice and is used to ensure that cells are connected or in other words to prevent separation of the cell into pieces. The detailed algorithm for this plugin is described in Roeland Merks’ paper “Cell elongation is a key to in-silico replication of in vitro vasculogenesis and subsequent remodeling” Developmental Biology 289 (2006) 44-54). There was one modification of the algorithm as compared to the paper. Namely, to ensure proper connectivity we had to reject all pixel copies that resulted in more that two collisions. (see the paper for detailed explanation what this means).

The syntax of the plugin is straightforward:


The value of Penalty is irrelevant because all Connectivity plugins have a special status. Namely, CC3D will call connectivity plugin to check if the a given pixel copy would lead to cell fragmentation and if so it will reject the pixel copy without computing energy-based pixel-copy acceptance function. thus the only thing that matters here is that penalty parameter is a positive number. Any number

As we mentioned, earlier 2D connectivity algorithm is particularly fast but works only on Cartesian lattice nad in 2D only. If you are on hex lattice or are working with 3 dimensions You should use ConnectivityGlobal plugin and there specify so called FastAlgorithm to get decent performance.

For example (see Demos/PluginDemos/connectivity_global_fast):

<Plugin Name="ConnectivityGlobal">
    <ConnectivityOn Type="NonCondensing"/>
    <ConnectivityOn Type="Condensing"/>

will enforce connectivity of cells of type Condensing and NonCondensing and will use “fast algorithm”.

If you want to enforce connectivity for individual cells cells (see Demos/PluginDemos/connectivity_elongation_fast) you would use the following CC3DML code:

<Plugin Name="ConnectivityGlobal">

and couple it with the following Python steppable:

class ConnectivityElongationSteppable(SteppableBasePy):
    def __init__(self,_simulator,_frequency=10):

    def start(self):
        for cell in self.cellList:
            if cell.type==1:
                cell.connectivityOn = True

            elif cell.type==2:
                cell.connectivityOn = True

Below we describe a slower version of ConnectivityGlobal plugin that is still supported but has much slower performance and for that reason we encourage you to try faster implementation described above



A more general type of connectivity constraint is implemented in ConnectivityGlobal plugin. In this case we calculate volume of a cell using breadth first search algorithm and compare it with actual volume of the cell. If they agree we conclude that cell connectivity is preserved. This plugin works both in 2D and 3D and on either type of lattice. However, the computational cost of running such algorithm can be quite high so it is best to limit this plugin to cell types for which connectivity of cell is really essential:

<Plugin Name="ConnectivityGlobal">
    <Penalty Type="Body1">1000000000</Penalty>

As we mentioned before the actual value of Penalty parameter does not matter as long it is a positive number

In certain types of simulation it may happen that at some point cells change cell types. If a cell that was not subject to connectivity constraint, changes type to the cell that is constrained by global connectivity and this cell is fragmented before type change this situation normally would result in simulation freeze. However, CompuCell3D, first before applying constraint it will check if the cell is fragmented. If it is, there is no constraint. Global connectivity constraint is only applied when cell is non-fragmented.

Quite often in the simulation we don’t need to impose connectivity constraint on all cells or on all cells of given type. Usually only select cell types or select cells are elongated and therefore need connectivity constraint. In such a case we simply declare ConnectivityGlobal with no further specifications taking place in CC3DML The actual connectivity assignments to particular cells take place in Python

In CC3DML we only declare:

<Plugin Name="ConnectivityGlobal"/>

In Python we manipulate/access connectivity parameters for individual cells using the following syntax:

class ElongationFlexSteppable(SteppableBasePy):
    def __init__(self,_simulator,_frequency=10):
        SteppableBasePy.__init__(self, _simulator, _frequency)
        # self.lengthConstraintPlugin=CompuCell.getLengthConstraintPlugin()

    def start(self):

    def step(self,mcs):
        for cell in self.cellList:
            if cell.type==1:
                self.lengthConstraintPlugin.setLengthConstraintData(cell,20,20) # cell , lambdaLength, targetLength
                self.connectivityGlobalPlugin.setConnectivityStrength(cell,10000000) #cell, strength

            elif cell.type==2:
                self.lengthConstraintPlugin.setLengthConstraintData(cell,20,30)  # cell , lambdaLength, targetLength
                self.connectivityGlobalPlugin.setConnectivityStrength(cell,10000000) #cell, strength

See also example in Demos/PluginDemos/elongationFlexTest.

If you are in 2D and on Cartesian lattice you may instead use ConnectivityLocalFlex

In this case

In CC3DML we only declare:

<Plugin Name="ConnectivityLocalFlex"/>

and in Python:


Secretion / SecretionLocalFlex Plugin

Secretion “by cell type” can and should be handled by the appropriate PDE solver. To implement secretion in individual cells using Python we can use secretion plugin defined in the CC3DML as:

<Plugin Name="Secretion"/>

or as:

<Plugin Name="SecretionLocalFlex"/>

The inclusion of the above code in the CC3DML will allow users to implement secretion for individual cells from Python.


Secretion for individual cells invoked via Python will be called only once per MCS.


Secretion plugin can be used to implement secretion by cell type however we strongly advise against doing so. Defining secretion by cell type in the Secretion plugin will lead to performance degradation on multi-core machines. Please see section below for more information if you are still interested in using secretion by cell-type inside Secretion plugin

Typical use of secretion from Python is demonstrated best in the example below:

class SecretionSteppable(SecretionBasePy):
    def __init__(self, _simulator, _frequency=1):
        SecretionBasePy.__init__(self, _simulator, _frequency)

    def step(self, mcs):
        attrSecretor = self.getFieldSecretor("ATTR")
        for cell in self.cellList:
            if cell.type == 3:
                attrSecretor.secreteInsideCell(cell, 300)
                attrSecretor.secreteInsideCellAtBoundary(cell, 300)
                attrSecretor.secreteOutsideCellAtBoundary(cell, 500)
                attrSecretor.secreteInsideCellAtCOM(cell, 300)
            elif cell.type == 2:
                attrSecretor.secreteInsideCellConstantConcentration(cell, 300)


Instead of using SteppableBasePy class we are using SecretionBasePy class. The reason for this is that in order for secretion plugin with secretion modes accessible from Python to behave exactly as previous versions of PDE solvers (where secretion was done first followed by the “diffusion” step) we have to ensure that secretion steppable implemented in Python is called before each Monte Carlo Step, which implies that it will be also called before “diffusing” function of the PDE solvers. SecretionBasePy sets extra flag which ensures that steppable which inherits from SecretionBasePy is called before MCS (and before all “regular” Python steppables).

There is no magic to SecretionBasePy - if you still want to use SteppableBasePy as a base class for secretion do so, but remember that you need to set flag:


to ensure that your new steppable will run before each MCS. See example below for alternative implementation of SecretionSteppable using SteppableBasePy as a base class:

class SecretionSteppable(SteppableBasePy):
    def __init__(self,_simulator,_frequency=1):
        SteppableBasePy.__init__(self,_simulator, _frequency)
    def step(self,mcs):
        for cell in self.cellList:
            if cell.type==3:
            elif cell.type==2:

The secretion of individual cells is handled through FieldSecretor objects. FieldSecretor concept is quite convenient because the amount of Python coding is quite small. To secrete chemical (this is now done for individual cell) we first create field secretor object:

attrSecretor = self.getFieldSecretor("ATTR")

which allows us to secrete into field called ATTR.

Then we pick a cell and using field secretor we simulate secretion of chemical ATTR by a cell:


Currently we support 7 secretion modes for individual cells:

  1. secreteInsideCell – this is equivalent to secretion in every pixel belonging to a cell
  2. secreteInsideCellConstantConcentration – this is equivalent to secretion in every pixel belonging to a cell and setting concentration to fixed, constant level
  3. secreteInsideCellAtBoundary – secretion takes place in the pixels belonging to the cell boundary
  4. secreteInsideCellAtBoundaryOnContactWith - secretion takes place in the pixels belonging to the cell boundary that touches any of the cells listed as the last argument of the function call
  5. secreteOutsideCellAtBoundary – secretion takes place in pixels which are outside the cell but in contact with cell boundary pixels
  6. secreteOutsideCellAtBoundaryOnContactWith - secretion takes place in pixels which are outside the cell but in contact with cell boundary pixels and in contact with cells listed the last argument of the function call
  7. secreteInsideCellAtCOM – secretion at the center of mass of the cell

and 6 uptake modes:

  1. uptakeInsideCell – this is equivalent to uptake in every pixel belonging to a cell
  2. uptakeInsideCellAtBoundary – uptake takes place in the pixels belonging to the cell boundary
  3. uptakeInsideCellAtBoundaryOnContactWith - uptake takes place in the pixels belonging to the cell boundary that touches any of the cells listed as the last argument of the function call
  4. uptakeOutsideCellAtBoundary – uptake takes place in pixels which are outside the cell but in contact with cell boundary pixels
  5. uptakeOutsideCellAtBoundaryOnContactWith - uptake takes place in pixels which are outside the cell but in contact with cell boundary pixels and in contact with cells listed the last argument of the function call
  6. uptakeInsideCellAtCOM – uptake at the center of mass of the cell

Secretion functions use the following syntax:



The list_of_cell_types is used only for function which implement such functionality i.e. secreteInsideCellAtBoundaryOnContactWith and secreteOutsideCellAtBoundaryOnContactWith

Uptake functions use the following syntax:



The list_of_cell_types is used only for function which implement such functionality i.e. uptakeInsideCellAtBoundaryOnContactWith and uptakeOutsideCellAtBoundaryOnContactWith


Important: The uptake works as follows: when available concentration is greater than max_amount, then max_amount is subtracted from current_concentration, otherwise we subtract relative_uptake*current_concentration.

As you may infer from above, the modes 1-5 require tracking of pixels belonging to cell and pixels belonging to cell boundary. If you are not using those secretion modes you may disable pixel tracking by including:




as shown in the example below:

<Plugin Name="Secretion">


    <Field Name="ATTR" ExtraTimesPerMC=”2”>
        <Secretion Type="Bacterium">200</Secretion>
        <SecretionOnContact Type="Medium" SecreteOnContactWith="B">300</SecretionOnContact>
        <ConstantConcentration Type="Bacterium">500</ConstantConcentration>


Make sure that fields into which you will be secreting chemicals exist. They are usually fields defined in PDE solvers. When using secretion plugin you do not need to specify SecretionData section for the PDE solvers.

When implementing e.g. secretion inside cell when the cell is in contact with other cell we use neighbor tracker and a short script in the spirit of the below snippet:

for cell in self.cellList:
    attrSecretor = self.getFieldSecretor("ATTR")
    for neighbor, commonSurfaceArea in self.getCellNeighborDataList(cell):
        if neighbor.type in [self.WALL]:
            attrSecretor.secreteInsideCell(cell, 300)

Secretion Plugin (legacy version)


While we still support Secretion plugin as described in this section we observed performance degradation when when declaring <Field> elements inside the plugin. To resolve this issue we encourage users to implement secretion “by cell type” in the PDE solver and keep using secretion plugin to implement secretion on a per-cell basis using Python scripting.


In version 3.6.2 Secretion plugin should not be used with DiffusionSolverFE or any of the GPU-based solvers.

In earlier version os of CC3D secretion was part of PDE solvers. We still support this mode of model description however, starting in 3.5.0 we developed separate plugin which handles secretion only. Via secretion plugin we can simulate cellular secretion of various chemicals. The secretion plugin allows users to specify various secretion modes in the CC3DML file – CC3DML syntax is practically identical to the SecretionData syntax of PDE solvers. In addition to this Secretion plugin allows users to manipulate secretion properties of individual cells from Python level. To account for possibility of PDE solver being called multiple times during each MCS, the Secretion plugin can be called multiple times in each MCS as well. We leave it up to user the rescaling of secretion constants when using multiple secretion calls in each MCS.


Secretion for individual cells invoked via Python will be called only once per MCS.

Typical CC3DML syntax for Secretion plugin is presented below:

<Plugin Name="Secretion">
    <Field Name="ATTR" ExtraTimesPerMC=”2”>
        <Secretion Type="Bacterium">200</Secretion>
        <SecretionOnContact Type="Medium" SecreteOnContactWith="B">300</SecretionOnContact>
        <ConstantConcentration Type="Bacterium">500</ConstantConcentration>

By default ExtraTimesPerMC is set to 0 - meaning no extra calls to Secretion plugin per MCS.

Typical use of secretion from Python is demonstrated best in the example below:

class SecretionSteppable(SecretionBasePy):
    def __init__(self, _simulator, _frequency=1):
        SecretionBasePy.__init__(self, _simulator, _frequency)

    def step(self, mcs):
        attrSecretor = self.getFieldSecretor("ATTR")
        for cell in self.cellList:
            if cell.type == 3:
                attrSecretor.secreteInsideCell(cell, 300)
                attrSecretor.secreteInsideCellAtBoundary(cell, 300)
                attrSecretor.secreteOutsideCellAtBoundary(cell, 500)
                attrSecretor.secreteInsideCellAtCOM(cell, 300)

PDESolverCaller Plugin


In most cases you can specify extra calls to PDE solvers in the solver itself. Thus this plugin is being deprecated. We mention it here for backward compatibility reasons as some of the older CC3D simulations may still be using this plugin.

PDE solvers in CompuCell3D are implemented as steppables . This means that by default they are called every MCS. In many cases this is insufficient. For example if diffusion constant is large, then explicit finite difference method will become unstable and the numerical solution will have no sense. To fix this problem one could call PDE solver many times during single MCS. This is precisely the task taken care of by PDESolverCaller plugin. The syntax is straightforward:

<Plugin Name="PDESolverCaller">
    <CallPDE PDESolverName="FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE"ExtraTimesPerMC="8"/>

All you need to do is to give the name of the steppable that implements a given PDE solver and pass let CompCell3D know how many extra times per MCS this solver is to be called (here FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE was 8 extra times per MCS).

FocalPointPlasticity Plugin

FocalPointPlasticity puts constraints on the distance between cells’ center of masses. A key feature of this plugin is that the list of “focal point plasticity neighbors” can change as the simulation evolves and user has to specifies the maximum number of “focal point plasticity neighbors” a given cell can have. Let’s look at relatively simple CC3DML syntax of FocalPointPlasticityPlugin (see Demos/PluginDemos/FocalPointPlasticity/FocalPointPlasticity example and we will show more complex examples later):

<Plugin Name="FocalPointPlasticity">
   <Parameters Type1="Condensing" Type2="NonCondensing">

   <Parameters Type1="Condensing" Type2="Condensing">

Parameters section describes properties of links between cells. MaxNumberOfJunctions, ActivationEnergy, MaxDistance and NeighborOrder are responsible for establishing connections between cells. CC3D constantly monitors pixel copies and during pixel copy between two neighboring cells/subcells it checks if those cells are already participating in focal point plasticity constraint. If they are not, CC3D will check if connection can be made (e.g. Condensing cells can have up to two connections with Condensing cells and up to 2 connections with NonCondensing cells – see first line of Parameters section and MaxNumberOfJunctions tag). The NeighborOrder parameter determines the pixel vicinity of the pixel that is about to be overwritten which CC3D will scan in search of the new link between cells. NeighborOrder 1 (which is default value if you do not specify this parameter) means that only nearest pixel neighbors will be visited. The ActivationEnergy parameter is added to overall energy in order to increase the odds of pixel copy which would lead to new connection.

Once cells are linked the energy calculation is carried out according to the formula:

\begin{eqnarray} E = \sum_{i,j,cell\ neighbors}\lambda_{ij}\left ( l_{ij}-L_{ij} \right )^2 \end{eqnarray}

where \(l_{ij}\) is a distance between center of masses of cells i and j and \(L_{ij}\) is a target length corresponding to \(l_{ij}\).

\(\lambda_{ij}\) and \(L_{ij}\) between different cell types are specified using Lambda and TargetDistance tags. The MaxDistance determines the distance between cells’ center of masses past which the link between those cells break. When the link breaks, then in order for the two cells to reconnect they would need to come in contact again. However it is usually more likely that there will be other cells in the vicinity of separated cells so it is more likely to establish new link than restore broken one.

The above example was one of the simplest examples of use of FocalPointPlasticity. A more complicated one involves compartmental cells. In this case each cell has separate “internal” list of links between cells belonging to the same cluster and another list between cells belonging to different clusters. The energy contributions from both lists are summed up and everything that we have said when discussing example above applies to compartmental cells. Sample syntax of the FocalPointPlasticity plugin which includes compartmental cells is shown below. We use InternalParameters tag/section to describe links between cells of the same cluster (see Demos/PluginDemos/FocalPointPlasticity/FocalPointPlasticityCompartments example):

<Plugin Name="FocalPointPlasticity">

    <Parameters Type1="Top" Type2="Top">
       <MaxNumberOfJunctions NeighborOrder="1">1</MaxNumberOfJunctions>

    <Parameters Type1="Bottom" Type2="Bottom">
       <MaxNumberOfJunctions NeighborOrder="1">1</MaxNumberOfJunctions>

    <InternalParameters Type1="Top" Type2="Center">

    <InternalParameters Type1="Bottom" Type2="Center">



We can also specify link constituent law and change it to different form that “spring relation”. To do this we use the following syntax inside FocalPointPlasticity CC3DML plugin:

    <!--The following variables lare defined by default: Lambda,Length,TargetLength-->

    <Variable Name='LambdaExtra' Value='1.0'/>


By default CC3D defines 3 variables (Lambda, Length, TargetLength) which correspond to \(\lambda_{ij}\) , \(l_{ij}\) and \(L_{ij}\) from the formula above. We can also define extra variables in the CC3DML (e.g. LambdaExtra). The actual link constituent law obeys muParser syntax convention. Once link constituent law is defined it is applied to all focal point plasticity links. The example demonstrating the use of custom link constituent law can be found in Demos/PluginDemos/FocalPointPlasticityCustom.

Sometimes it is necessary to modify link parameters individually for every cell pair. In this case we would manipulate FocalPointPlasticity links using Python scripting. Example Demos/PluginDemos/FocalPointPlasticity/FocalPointPlasticityCompartments demonstrates exactly this situation. You still need to include CC3DML section as the one shown above for compartmental cells, because we need to tell CC3D how to link cells. The only notable difference is that in the CC3DML we have to include <Local/> tag to signal that we will set link parameters (Lambda, TargetDistance, MaxDistance) individually for each cell pair:

<Plugin Name="FocalPointPlasticity">
    <Parameters Type1="Top" Type2="Top">
       <MaxNumberOfJunctions NeighborOrder="1">1</MaxNumberOfJunctions>

Python steppable where we manipulate cell-cell focal point plasticity link properties is shown below:

class FocalPointPlasticityCompartmentsParams(SteppablePy):
    def __init__(self, _simulator, _frequency=10):
        SteppablePy.__init__(self, _frequency)
        self.simulator = _simulator
        self.focalPointPlasticityPlugin = CompuCell.getFocalPointPlasticityPlugin()
        self.inventory = self.simulator.getPotts().getCellInventory()
        self.cellList = CellList(self.inventory)

    def step(self, mcs):
        for cell in self.cellList:
            for fppd in InternalFocalPointPlasticityDataList(self.focalPointPlasticityPlugin, cell):
                self.focalPointPlasticityPlugin.setInternalFocalPointPlasticityParameters(cell, fppd.neighborAddress,
                                                                                          0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

The syntax to change focal point plasticity parameters (or as here internal parameters) is as follows:

setFocalPointPlasticityParameters(cell1, cell2, lambda, targetDistance, maxDistance)
setInternalFocalPointPlasticityParameters(cell1, cell2, lambda, targetDistance, maxDistance)

Similarly, to inspect current values of the focal point plasticity parameters we would use the following Python construct:

for cell in self.cellList:
    for fppd in InternalFocalPointPlasticityDataList(self.focalPointPlasticityPlugin, cell):
        print "fppd.neighborId",
        " lambda=", fppd.lambdaDistance

For non-internal parameters we simply use FocalPointPlasticityDataList instead of InternalFocalPointPlasticityDataList .

Examples Demos/PluginDemos/FocalPointPlasticity… show in relatively simple way how to use FocalPointPlasticity plugin. Those examples also contain useful comments.


When using FocalPointPlasticity Plugin from Mitosis module one might need to break or create focal point plasticity links. To do so FocalPointPlasticity Plugin provides 4 convenience functions which can be invoked from the Python level:

deleteFocalPointPlasticityLink(cell1, cell2)

deleteInternalFocalPointPlasticityLink(cell1, cell2)

createFocalPointPlasticityLink(cell1, cell2, lambda , targetDistance, maxDistance)

createInternalFocalPointPlasticityLink(cell1, cell2, lambda , targetDistance, maxDistance)

Curvature Plugin

The Curvature plugin implements energy term for compartmental cells. The mathematics and mechanics between the plugin have been described in “A New Mechanism for Collective Migration in Myxococcus xanthus”, J. Starruß, Th. Bley, L. Søgaard-Andersen and A. Deutsch, Journal of Statistical Physics, DOI: 10.1007/s10955-007-9298-9, (2007). For a “long” compartmental cell composed of many subcells (think of a snake-like elongated sequence of compartments) it imposes a constraint on curvature of cells. The syntax is slightly complex:

<Plugin Name="Curvature">

   <InternalParameters Type1="Top" Type2="Center">

   <InternalParameters Type1="Center" Type2="Center">

   <InternalParameters Type1="Bottom" Type2="Center">

      <Parameters TypeName="Top" MaxNumberOfJunctions="1" NeighborOrder="1"/>
      <Parameters TypeName="Center" MaxNumberOfJunctions="2" NeighborOrder="1"/>
      <Parameters TypeName="Bottom" MaxNumberOfJunctions="1" NeighborOrder="1"/>


The InternalTypeSpecificParameter informs Curvature Plugin how many neighbors a cell of given type will have. In the case of “snake-shaped” cell the numbers that make sense are 1 and 2. The middle segment will have 2 connections and head and tail segments will have only one connection with neighboring segments (subcells). The connections are established dynamically. The way it happens is that during simulation CC3D constantly monitors pixel copies and during pixel copy between two neighboring cells/subcells it checks if those cells are already “connected” using curvature constraint. If they are not, CC3D will check if connection can be made (e.g. Center cells can have up to two connections and Top and Bottom only one connection). Usually establishing connections takes place at the beginning of the simulation and often happens within first Monte Carlo Step (depending on actual initial configuration, of course, but if segments touch each other connections are established almost immediately). The ActivationEnergy parameter is added to overall energy in order to increase the odds of pixel copy which would lead to new connection. Lambda tag/parameter determines “the strength” of curvature constraint. The higher the Lambda the more stiffer cells will be i.e. they will tend to align along straight line.

BoundaryPixelTracker Plugin

BoundaryPixelTracker plugin keeps a list of boundary pixels for each cell. The syntax is as follows:

<Plugin Name="BoundaryPixelTracker">

This plugin is also used by other plugins as a helper module. Examples use of this plugin is found in Demos/PluginDemos/BoundaryPixelTracker_xxx.

GlobalBoundaryPixelTracker Plugin

GlobalBoundaryPixelTracker plugin tracks boundary pixels of all the cells including Medium. It is used in a Boundary Walker algorithm where instead of blindly picking pixel copy candidate we pick it from the set of pixels comprising boundaries of non frozen cells. In situations when lattice is large and there are not that many cells it makes sense to use BoundaryWalker algorithm to limit number of pixel picks that would not lead to actual pixel copy.


BoundaryWalkerAlgorithm does not really work with OpenMP version of CC3D which includes all versions starting with 3.6.0.

Take a look at the following example:

   <Dimensions x="100" y="100" z="1"/>

 <Plugin Name="GlobalBoundaryPixelTracker">

Here we are using BoundaryWalker algorithm (Potts section) and subsequently we list GlobalBoundaryTracker plugin where we set neighbor order to match that in the Potts section. The neighbor order determines how “thick” the overall boundary of cells will be. The higher this number the more pixels will belong to the boundary.

PixelTracker Plugin

PixelTracker plugin allows storing list of all pixels belonging to a given cell. The syntax is as follows:

<Plugin Name="PixelTracker">

This plugin is also used by other modules (e.g. Mitosis) as a helper module. Simple example can be found in Demos/PluginDemos/PixelTrackerExample. Beginning with 4.1.2, medium pixels can be optionally tracked using TrackMedium. This feature is automatically enabled by attaching a Fluctuation Compensator to a PDE solver.

MomentOfInertia Plugin

MomentOfInertia plugin keeps up-to-date tensor of inertia for every cell. Internally, it uses parallel axis theorem to calculate most up-to-date tensor of inertia. While, the plugin can be called directly:

<Plugin Name="MomentOfInertia"/>

most commonly it is called indirectly by other plugins like e.g. LengthConstraint plugin.

MomentOfInertia plugin gives users access (via Python scripting) to current lengths of cell’s semiaxes. Examples in Demos/PluginDemos/MomentOfInertia demonstrate how to get lengths of semiaxes. For example, to get semiaxes lengths for a given cell, in Python we would type:


axes is a 3-component vector with 0th element being length of minor axis, 1st – length of median axis (which is set to 0 in 2D) and 2nd element indicating the length of major semiaxis.


Important: Because calculating lengths of semiaxes involves quite a few of floating point operations it may happen (usually on hexagonal lattice) that for cells composed of 1, 2, or 3 pixels one moment the square of one of the semiaxes may end up being slightly negative leading to NaN (not a number) length. This is due to round-off error and whenever CC3D detects very small absolute value of square of the length of semiaxes (10-6) it sets length of this semiaxes to 0.0 regardless whether the squared value is positive or negative. However, it is a good practice to test whether the length of semiaxis is sane by adding a simple if statement as shown below (here we show how to test for a NaN):

if length != length:
    print "length is NaN":
    print "length is a proper floating point number"

ConvergentExtension plugin


This is very specialized plugin which currently is in Tier 2 plugins in terms of support. It attempts to implement energy term described in “Simulating Convergent Extension by Way of Anisotropic Differemtial Adhesion”, Zajac M, Jones GL, and Glazier JA, Journal of Theoretical Biology 222 (2), 2003. However due to certain ambiguities in the plugin description we had difficulties to getting it to work properly.


A better way to implement convergent extension is to follow the simulations described in “Filopodial-Tension Model of Convergent-Extension of Tissues”, Julio M. Belmonte , Maciej H. Swat, James A. Glazier, PLoS Comp Bio

ConvergentExtension plugin presented here is a somewhat simplified version of energy term described Mark Zajac’s paper.

This plugin uses the following syntax:

The Alpha tag represents numerical value of α parameter from the paper.